Male circumcision has some benefits, and there is continuing talk of expanding it's use, such as here. It would seem circumcision helps reduce the risk of transmission of HIV from females to males. Well what I say to that is, why not go the whole hog? Cut off the penis entirely... then there will be zero risk that one day this boy might be a fucking idiot and be unsafe.
We can minimise the risk far more effectively through safe sex promotion. A condom's ability to counter the risk of disease (and not just HIV!) far exceeds circumcision. But no, let's abuse our male children, cut off a part of their body and absolutely do it before they have a choice. It's disgusting, disturbing and it's just as bad as the sort of stuff sick paedophiles do to children.
If a grown adult wants to get his foreskin removed, all power to him. If the child needs it for medical reasons, well that sucks but it's understandable. But to physically hurt our children just to stop them, possibly/maybe transmitting a disease is wrong. Are we saying that circumcising them means they can go out and have unsafe sex??? NO! Because it's not even close to being safe. It only reduces the chance and not by that much. So really, what the Hell is the point???
Don't even get me started on the fact it doesn't make an ounce of difference for gay guys, so they're penis' will have been brutalised for no reason whatsoever.
Normal For Norfolk says it much better here (NSFW!!! You have been warned but some good points among the penis pics)
This blogger works for nothing but the joy of writing but always appreciates things bought from his wishlist
Child circumcision may come across as brutal and a covert incitement to having unprotected sex later in life. However, it is otherwise.
In the Muslim tradition, the younger the kid, the better. Some families even circumcise the boy when he is a mere baby, so that the wound doesn't bother his everyday life duties (like going to school). Very few are lucky enough to be born without any foreskin.
The first and foremost purpose is hygiene. Let's face it, foreskin stinks on guys who think it doesn't require any more attention than the rest of the body. I know even some guys who have to insert in toilet paper and clean up to remove the stink.
So, it does hurt (ask me about it!) at first but it eventually subsides. Plus, meds are prescribed to make the healing process go smoothly (unlike the old days).
In a word, it is hygiene that's aimed for before sexual disease contamination chances reduction (even though circumcision is said to reduce that risk by 80%).
I'd say, circumcision makes perfect sense in Islam, as men are advised not to fornicate outside of marriage. Therefore, no need to protect themselves with their own wives.
That's all I wanted to say. Surprised myself to write in such length :) Great blog, BTW. I am a follower of yours.
Cheers! :)
That is insane, just because someone might grow up who can't clean themselves properly does not mean we have the right to cut our children without them having the ability to make the decision themselves.
Any those guys who can't keep themselves clean are the one's in the wrong, not all people with foreskins. We made it as a species for 100,000s of years without circumcision, thus it is not a necessity now.
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