Thursday, 9 July 2009

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

We here in the United Kingdom gave into Civil Partnerships, and the sexual apartheid system they created, with eagerness ignoring those brave lone voices who spoke out in defense of true equality for all. But in Ireland, our sister island across the sea, a ground swell of dissent is growing to counter the spread of this inequality into other parts of north western Europe.

One guy wrote to the Irish Justice Minister Dermot Ahern and when he didn't get a response, his Mum wrote a stern letter herself. Read it here.

Helen Doody, we salute you! For standing up for the basic concept of equality before the law, for fighting for human freedom and liberation, for boldly going where Mums have often gone before to stand up for her son. More info here

This blogger works for nothing but the joy of writing but always appreciates things bought from his wishlist

1 comment:

  1. I read his mums letter and it made me feel proud of all mums out there.

    It made me think about and appreciate my own mum and how during her life she has support and fought the system for her children (especially me!)

    Love you mum.

    A x
